A Portfolio Tracker That assigning Beneficial Industries To Portfolios
The Warren Buffett Archive is an extensive online repository containing all known surviving Warren Buffett quotes and related financial documents from the era of his life, which spanned nearly four decades from 1950 to present. It features video and audio clips of Buffett talking extensively about his investing approach, his opinion of the stock market and his overall love of Berkshire Hathaway. The archive also features interviews with prominent people from the business world including bankers, investors and businessmen. These provide a unique insight into the mindset of one of the most successful investors in history.
The site includes a number of short educational videos and a number of highlights from the aforementioned interviews, making it possible for visitors to obtain a thorough understanding of the strategies that served as the basis of his incredible growth as an investor. The videos range in length from two minutes to around five hours depending on the subject covered. There are also many documents from various annual shareholder meetings such as his 1985 speech on stock market wisdom, his letter to shareholders urging more investment in the firm and his widely-publicized acceptance of responsibility for his enormous wealth. The documents also include information on some of the major themes that he repeatedly brought up during his speeches, especially how business ethics should be viewed in light of his unprecedented personal gains.
The site also features articles written by experts in the field, including Edward C.Runtime, author of The Great Oil Deal and a former reporter for The New York Times. These articles discuss topics that deal with issues that are similar to those Buffett addressed in his public speeches. The articles include perspectives on the controversy surrounding Buffett’s shares in the company that later became Blue Penny, as well as other issues regarding his handling of his investments. The site also includes a portfolio tracker, which allows users to see how the investments Buffett made in different businesses and sectors are performing compared to the portfolio. The interface of the site is easy to use, and users can navigate through the contents easily using tabs, drop-downs and expandable menu options.