How Does Trader Talk Work?
Trader Talk is nothing but the shortened form of the much more widely known online investor forum or chat room. It’s basically an online chat room in Wall Street, where Wall Street investors trade stocks with other online firms and discuss their thoughts and opinions about them. Unlike an actual stock market boom, which can be closed to stock traders all day so that only those who are trading actually know what is happening, this chat room allows its users to talk for hours on end, all the time.
In many ways, Trader Talk serves as a sort of stock market training school, allowing the novice trader to better understand the process and learn the basics before investing in his own stock portfolio. There are several websites which offer this kind of service, including Yahoo chat rooms which have become a very popular venue for exchanging information about financial instruments such as options, stocks and Forex. Other websites offer trader chat options through specially designed software that you install on your computer and are controlled by an Internet-connected computer.
These chat programs are usually free to use and you don’t need to be a member at any web site in order to start. Simply download the software and log into it. You will then be able to see all types of messages that are posted to the screen by other members. Just like in real life, there’s a lot of communication going on between the buyers and sellers here – and you’ll be a part of it. If you are thinking about becoming a member, however, be sure to check out Yahoo’s member program first.